

Interview Study on Relationships

If you:

  • *As you define it

Are age 24-40

Have no children

You are eligible to participate.

I am a researcher at Yale studying young adults’ experiences with romantic relationships in contemporary America. Eligible participants may be selected for a 1-2 hour interview and $20 gift card.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) #2000035120

Please fill out this form if you’re interested:

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me: adora.svitak at yale [dot] edu.

About the Researcher:

Adora Svitak is a PhD candidate in the joint program in Sociology and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Yale University. She is interested in work, gender, and intimate life. Prior to Yale, she worked in communications for the non-profit that operates Wikipedia. She received her B.A. from UC Berkeley.